Traffic stops are one of the most common interactions between civilians and law enforcement. Many of these encounters proceed without incident. However, some can go terribly wrong, leading to violations of constitutional rights. Understanding what can go awry during...
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DUI Defense
Why 24/7 support is crucial for those accused of a DUI
Drivers can get arrested for a driving under the influence (DUI) charge at any point. In fact, there tends to be an uptick in arrests after the sun sets, as many people wait to start drinking until later in the day. They then need to get home for the evening and may...
Can a DUI affect your ability to go to college?
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge can be a major setback. Also known as operating while intoxicated (OWI) charges or driving while impaired (DWI) charges, convictions for DUI offenses can lead to an assortment of different penalties. Judges can put people in...
6 factors that can lead to aggravated DUI charges in Kentucky
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are among the most common criminal violations prosecuted in Kentucky. People from all different demographics can make mistakes that lead who DUI charges. The penalties that the courts may impose after a guilty plea or...
The value of local representation when facing an out-of-state DUI
An arrest based on driving under the influence (DUI) allegations can be embarrassing. The charges that follow can be incredibly disruptive, especially if there are unusual circumstances. People who get arrested for a DUI in Kentucky may not necessarily be from...
3 medical issues that can affect DUI cases in Kentucky
It is quite common for those arrested for drunk driving in Kentucky to plead guilty. Motorists accused of driving under the influence (DUI) infractions often rush to the conclusion that chemical test results, field sobriety test results or an officer's testimony are...
3 things drivers need to know about field sobriety testing
When a police officer pulls someone over, they may screen the driver for signs of chemical impairment. Police officers begin screening someone with questions and may then look at their physical capabilities. When police officers suspect someone of intoxication at the...
Does a DUI conviction automatically result in a license suspension?
Driving under the influence (DUI) offenses are among the most common charges prosecuted in Kentucky and across the United States. Drivers get arrested due to erratic behavior while driving or their involvement in a motor vehicle collision. Failing a breath test during...
What happens if someone refuses a test during a DUI stop?
Police officers often ask those stopped for traffic enforcement matters or involved in a collision to perform a chemical breath test. Such testing can validate suspicions that someone was under the influence or rule out intoxication as the cause of a wreck. Those who...
Is a DUI a misdemeanor or felony charge in Kentucky?
There are dozens of different criminal statutes in Kentucky that can lead to someone's prosecution. The severity of a particular criminal charge and its penalties generally depends on how it is categorized. Although there are a variety of subcategories that charges...