When a police officer pulls someone over, they may screen the driver for signs of chemical impairment. Police officers begin screening someone with questions and may then look at their physical capabilities. When police officers suspect someone of intoxication at the...
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Month: March 2024
What does drug possession with intent mean in Kentucky?
The law in Kentucky makes it a crime to possess drugs, including many prescription medications if no valid prescription is in the possession of the user. It is also illegal to manufacture substances or distribute them to others. Anyone caught with drugs in their...
3 potential benefits of committing to a collaborative divorce
The word divorce often conjures images of bitter battles in court. People expect divorce to involve spouses fighting over property, financial support or custody matters. It is true that some couples cannot agree on any details about their divorces and must rely on...
5 financial steps those going through divorce should take
Rebuilding after divorce can be a very lengthy process. People experience numerous financial challenges during and after divorce that can have an impact on their standard of living. Those who approach divorce with an eye on their future financial stability they find...
Can people fight assault charges if they acted in self-defense?
Violent criminal charges carry significant social stigma. People who face accusations of assaulting someone else are at risk of a criminal record that could forever change the course of their lives. Employers, landlords and educational institutions frequently require...
Does a DUI conviction automatically result in a license suspension?
Driving under the influence (DUI) offenses are among the most common charges prosecuted in Kentucky and across the United States. Drivers get arrested due to erratic behavior while driving or their involvement in a motor vehicle collision. Failing a breath test during...